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I quite enjoy tales of political intrigue, especially ones set in the Middle East, but this story of a now down-on-his-luck former US diplomat (Jon Hamm, doing fine work here) — who worked in Lebanon in the early 1970s, experienced trauma and tragedy there, and then was sent home — who is cajoled by the CIA into returning to that country in the early 80s to help rescue an ex-colleague.  You can tick off the boxes — dysfunctional Lebanese political scene, potential love interest (Rosamund Pike) Israeli agitation for an invasion, Syrian interference, PLO intrigue, US spies, diplomats from several countries playing spy games, double-crosses, etc., but unfortunately the action on screen doesn’t elevate the film to anything more than an ok flick; Not bad, but I expected a bit better from the screenwriter of Michael Clayton.  No need to see it in the theatre.

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